Tree species we photographed on our holiday in the United States (USA) in october 2004

We first visited a friend in Washington DC, near the White house. Then we visited Utah and Arizona. We had a wonderfull holiday, and also saw a lot of tree species.

Some highlights are:

Sycamore (platanus_occidentalis). This is one of the Ancestors of our European Planetree (Plataan).

The Tanoak (lithocarpus_densifloru) is a species that stands in between the Oaks (eiken), it has acorns, and the Chestnuts (Tamme kastanje), it has leafs life a chestnut.

Quaking aspen (populus_tremuloides) on the road to Torrey. The authum leaves were really breathtaking.

petrified wood

Pinyon pine (Pinus edulis) on the South rim of the Grand Canion. All over the place people were collecting the nuts to eat or sell them I suppose.

Ginko (Ginko biloba). In the garden behind the whitehouse this giant stands.

Below are all USA tree species photographed.

Leafs are available on a seperate page.
Fruits are available on a seperate page.
An Alphabetic list of USA tree species is available as well.

Trees we saw in Washington DC.

Near the White house

american_basswood tilia_americana | bald_cypress taxodium_distichum_washington | black_walnut juglans_nigra_washington | chinese_scholartree sophora_japonica_washington | ginko ginko_biloba_washington. In the garden of the whitehouse | sawtrooth_oak quercus_acutissima_washington |

Near Pentagon road

Eastern_redbud cercis_canadensis_washington | american_beech fagus_grandiflora_washington | chestnut_oak quercus_prinus_washington | cucumbertree magnolia_acuminata_washington | fig ficus_carica | sassafras sassafras_officinale_washington | sycamore platanus_occidentalis_washington | tanoak lithocarpus_densiflorus | white_oak quercus_alba_washington | pin_oak quercus_palustris_washington | willow_oak quercus_phellos_washington |

Trees we saw in Utah and Arizona in our trip around the grand-canion:

including Las vegas (the town but also the camping near the Hoover dam) , Bryce canion, Zion national park, the road to and in Escalante (via Torrey), Monument Valley, and the Grand-Canion.

petrified wood |

Everywhere: from Vegas to monument valley and back:

desertbrush | utah_juniper juniperus_osteosperma | cottonwood populus |

In Las Vegas

vegasinknowntree | white_mulberry morus_alba | joshua_tree yucca_brevifolia |

On the camping near Hoover dam

california_palm washingtonia_filifera_lasvegas | honey_mesquite prosopis_glandulosa | river_oak casuarina_lasvegas | bluegum_eucalyptus eucalyptus_globulus_lasvegas |

Near Torrey, on the road to escalante.

american_elm ulmus_americana | apple malus_spec | fremont_cottonwood populus_fremondi | gambel_oak Quercus_gambelii | hankow_willow salix_matsudana | pine_spec bridges_torrey | quaking_aspen populus_tremuloides_bryce_torrey |


american_ash fraxinus_spec_zion | boxelder acer_negundo_zion | canyon_maple acer_grandidentatum_zion | mountain_maple acer_spicatum_washington | singleleaf_ash fraxinus_anomala_zion |


bristlecone_pine pinus_aristata_bryce | douglas_fir pseudotsuga_menziessi_bryce | ponderosa_pine pinus_ponderosa_bryce |

Grand Canion

pinus_edulis pinyon_pine | ponderosa_pine pinus_ponderosa_bryce | gambel_oak Quercus_gambelii |

Monument valley

shrub_live_oak__Quercus_turbinella_monumentvalley |