The Willow genus (Salix).
Finding out what Willow species you are dealing with.
A number of willow species is easily recognized: the Corkscrew willow and the weaping willow. Most species however are hard to determinate. When the tree is really large it is often the white willow or the crack/brittle willow (Salix fragilis), or a hybrid of the two. I'd like to point to this Dutch willow-key which is not easy I am afraid. In the future I hope to make a key myself.All species photographed.
Corckscrew willow or Salix matsudana tortuosa Weaping willow or Salix babylonica or S alba X S babylonica (same as S. chrysoma). Unknown willows.
Leafs of all species photographed.
Winter photo's of bark and buds, if available.
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