The Maple genus (Acer)
Finding out what Maple species you are dealing with.
In the netherlands the Sycamore maple, the Norway maple and the Hedge maple are the most common.
When it comes to maples the form of the leaf and the fruits, when they are there is
the best method.
Here a list with a dozen American Maple species.
All species photographed.
Sycamore maple or Acer pseudoplatanus
Norway maple or Acer platanoides
Silver mapleBoxelder
The following species are mainly found in gardens: foreign species and varieties.
Japanese maple or Acer palmatum
Snakebark maple / Redvein maple
Leafs of all species photographed.
Winter photo's of bark and buds, if available.
Sycamore maple or Acer pseudoplatanus
Norway maple or Acer platanoides
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